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About Us

Seda was established in December 2004 through the National Small Business Amendment Act – Act 29 of 2004 – as an agency under the then-Department of Trade and Industry (the dti). The establishment merged three entities: Ntsika Enterprise Promotion Agency, National Manufacturing Advisory Centre and the Community Public Private Partnership (CPPP) programme.
The GODISA Trust and the National Technology Transfer Centre were merged with Seda in April 2006, becoming the Seda Technology Programme (Stp). The small enterprise support function of the South African Quality Institute and the technology-related activities of the Technology for Women in Business were incorporated with Stp in 2008. Stp was fully integrated into Seda structures in 2009. In 2014, Seda’s mandate and functions were transferred from the dti to DSBD.

The Small Enterprise Development Agency(Seda) is responsible for the Implementation of the small business plan of the national government; and to Create and deploy a shared, standardized, and uniform national delivery network.
It is an agency of the Department of Small Business Development in South Africa. The Agency was established in 2004 through the National Small Business Amendment Act, Act 29 of 2004.

Its vision is to make a difference in SMMEs' lives every day and its mission is to promote entrepreneurship and develop small enterprises by providing customised non-financial business support services that result in business growth and sustainability in collaboration with other role players in the ecosystem.

Seda collaborates with many ecosystem stakeholders and allocates significant resources to promote entrepreneurship and the growth of Small, Medium, and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) throughout the nation. With 54 branches, 46 co-location locations, and 110 incubators, Seda has the largest office network in the nation.


To make a difference in SMMEs' lives every day

Our Mission

To promote entrepreneurship and facilitate the development of small enterprises by providing customised business support services that result in business growth and sustainability in collaboration with other role players in the ecosystem

Core Values

Customer Centricity

- we place customer service excellence at the centre of everything we do


- we foster innovative ideas and solutions in order to deliver exceptional customer service


- we create a nurturing environment by partnering with our clients and employees and in the way in which we care for and support them.

Responsible Conduct

- we behave with integrity in all in our actions, always acting in the best interest of Seda

What we do

Seda collaborates with many ecosystem stakeholders and allocates significant resources to promote entrepreneurship and the growth of Small, Medium, and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) throughout the nation. With 54 branches, 46 co-location locations, and 122 incubators, Seda has the largest office network in the nation.

Seda branches provide offerings that assist businesses in various phases of their life cycle.

Seda Business Talk - Focuses on clients who want information on starting a business. Assistance Provided:
  • Business Advice and Information
  • Small Enterprise Training
  • Business Registration

  • Seda Business Start - Provides tools and techniques for clients who are ready to start a business and want assistance and direction. Assistance Provided:
  • Business Planning
  • Business Counselling
  • Facilitation of Access to Finance
  • Business Support

  • Seda Business Build - Offerings focusing on clients who want skills to sustain and strengthen their businesses.
    Assistance Provided:
  • Capacity Building Systems
  • Mentorship
  • Tender Advice / Procurement
  • Export Readiness
  • Franchising

  • Seda Business Grow – Offerings focusing on clients who want to grow their businesses and expand nationally and internationally. Assistance Provided:
  • Business Systems Development
  • Cooperative Support
  • Growth Strategies

  • Training - In addition, Seda provides training courses to support entrepreneurial success. Seda’s courses empower small business owners with the necessary skills to enable them to take their businesses to greater heights. Entrepreneurs learn:

  • How to market their business effectively.
  • The importance of building a reputable business profile as a marketing tool.
  • How to maintain financial records and develop their business plans.
  • How to write reports


    The Seda Technology Programme was created as a special programme to manage different business incubators, facilitate technology transfer and quality interventions. They do the following:

  • Increase accessibility to, and the utility of, technologies and management support for SMMEs through structured platforms such as technology business centres.
  • Facilitate the acquisition and transfer of technology to SMMEs, particularly those operating in the second economy.
  • Promote the use of quality and standards by SMMEs Improve SMMEs’ performance and productivity.
  • Improve SMMEs’ competitiveness.
  • Promote entrepreneurial activity and the success of entrepreneurs.
  • Reduce the failure rate of SMMEs.

  • They have the following units:


    The Incubation unit is designed to strengthen technology commercialization and harness the entrepreneurship of the technology community in South Africa.

    Quality and Standards

    The Quality and Standards unit ensures that small businesses have access to quality control and assessment processes and provides training and access to accreditation and certifications.

    Technology Transfer

    The Objective of the Technology Transfer Unit is to promote and facilitate the transfer of technology, which is appropriate, effective and competitive to small enterprises.

    Board of Directors Board of Directors

     TitleSurname Initials Names
    1. Ms Daku (Chairperson)XXoliswa
    2. ProfGumedeVVusi
    3. MsKana (Deputy Chairperson)NFNomso Faith
    4. Mr Kubheka MMiles
    5. Mr MatshoJJim
    6. MrMbatha (Acting CEO)NNkosikhona
    7. Ms Medupe NNdumi
    8. Mr Mfuleni MMotse
    9. Ms Mqingwana PPumezo
    10. MrMtsweniJSJohn Sifiso
    11. Dr Ndlovu MJMatshediso Joy
    12. Ms NgcukuvaGNGorakazi Noluthando
    13. Ms NkambuleBTBeatrice Tsakani
    14. Ms Tobias-PokoloTVThandi Vivian
    15. DrQoboMMzukisi

    Executive Management Executive Management
    Nkosikhona Mbatha

    Mr. Nkosikhona Mbatha

    Acting Chief Executive Officer

    Mr. Sandile Ndaba

    Mr. Sandile Ndaba

    Chief Strategy and Information Officer

    Ms. Thabang Serapelo

    Ms.Thabang Serapelo

    Acting Executive Manager

    Corporate Services

    Ms. Ntokozo Majola

    Ms. Ntokozo Majola

    Executive Manager

    Enterprise Development Division

    Mr. Elias Mabaane

    Mr. Elias Maabane

    Acting Chief Financial Officer

    Mr. Sipho Ngcai

    Mr. Sipho Ngcai

    Executive Manager

    Seda Technology Programme
